Saturday, May 16, 2015

What Is Isra' Wal Miraj? (Part 2)

27 Rajab, 1436

The Prophet again said:

God revealed to me what He revealed and made obligatory for me fifty prayers every day and night. I came down to Musa (Prophet Moses (PBUH)) who asked what my Lord had made obligatory for my people, and when I told him He had prescribed fifty prayers every day and night, 

Prophet Musa (Moses (PBUH) ) said:

"Go back to your Lord and ask Him to make things lighter, for your people are not capable of that. I have tested and had experience of the Bani Israil."

Prophet Mohammad (SAW) went back to His Lord and said:

"O my Lord, make things lighter for my people," so He relieved me of five.

When I returned to Musa and told him He had relieved me of five, 

Prophet Musa (moses (PBUH) said:

"Your people are not capable of that, go back to your Lord and ask Him to make things lighter."

I then kept going back and forth between my Lord and Musa till he said:
"There are five prayers every day and night, Muhammad, each being credited as ten, so, that makes fifty times of prayers. He who intends to do good deed and does not do it will have a good deed recorded for him, and if he does it, it will be recorded for him as ten; whereas he who intends to do an evil deed and does not do it will have nothing recorded for him."

I then came down, and when to Musa and told him 

Prophet Musa (SAW) again said:

"Go back to your Lord and ask Him to make things lighter."

Prophet Mohammad (SAW) replied,

I have gone back to my Lord till I am ashamed to face Him." (Hadith)

The Five times obligatory prayers are continue to Part 3


Al-Isra wal-Mi’raj : The Night Journey and The Ascension of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon him).

Miracle Of Al-Isra & Al-Miraj

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