Friday, May 15, 2015

What Is Isra' Wal Miraj? (Part 1)

Isra' means a night journey of the Prophet from Masjidil Haram (the Sacred Mosque) at Makkah to Masjidil Aqsaa at Jerusalem,

Miraj means his ascension from Jerusalem to Heaven.

The importance of Isra' wal Miraj, according to the hadith, was that the prayer five times a day was made obligatory to a Muslim during that night. It was narrated as follows:

The God's messenger said:

The roof of my house was cleft when I was in Makkah and Angel Jibriil (AW) descended and opened my breast, after which he washes it with Zamzam water. He then brought a gold dish full of wisdom and faith, and after emptying it into my breast he closed it up.

I was brought Al-Buraq which was an animal white and long. larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule whose hoof touched the ground at a distance equal to the range of its vision.

I mounted it and came to Jerusalem, then tied it to the ring used by the Prophets. 

Then after entering the mosque and praying two rak-ats in it I came out and Angel Jibriil brought me a vessel of wine and a vessel of milk. I chose the milk, and 

Angel Jibiil said: "You have chosen the true religion."

 "We were then taken up to heaven"
In heaven the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) found the prophets Adam, Idris, Yahya, Isa, Yusuf, Musa and Ibrahim and all welcomed him and gave him salutation.

Prophet Mohammad (SAW) again said:
"He then took me to "Sidratul Muntahaa" (the Lote-tree of the Boundary) whose leaves are like elephant's ears and whose fruits are like earthenware vessels. 

When what God commands overshadows it changes, and none of God's creatures can describe it because of its beauty.

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