Thursday, July 16, 2015

Laylat al-Qadr

Alhamdulillah! Ramadan is almost over but not our fasting, for those who missed their fasting, still they can fast, after Eid. Insha Allah.

My dear brothers and sister, readers, friends, and relatives, and the one I love most, I hope and pray to our Almighty GOD (ALLAH), that our Fasting, Intention, and Dua (Prayer), are accepted. Ameen.

"Oh you who believe in me follow what Allah (SWT) want you to be,
 In order to have me in your whole LIFE! That is the answer of my prayer,
But if you don't accept then forget everything that you meet, and need me.
Because nothing will benefit in you 
Only your tears,  and loss in this LIFE
And also in the Hereafter."
The sign of Allah is so clear.

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