Thursday, July 16, 2015

29th Day Of Ramadan, 1436

Assalam walaikum to all my brothers and sisters in Islam, and to all readers, relatives, and the one I love most, this is your chance to learn Islam the month of Ramadan, the month of Mercy. Allah (SWT) touched my soul this month of Ramadan.

Today! maybe the Laylat-Al-Qadr, the twenty nine Days of Ramadan,we don't know exactly, only Allah's know best. I'm sharing this to you, and for those who believe,
That Laylat Al-Qadr is any of these days! Allah (SWT) will write the decree what is going
To happen from this year till next year.

Help me to invoke Allah! (SWT) Tonight might the last night of Lailat Al-Qadr. 

Allaahuma Az hibil ba'sa, rabban-naasi ishfihi wa antash-shaafi laa

Shifaa aailla shifaaooka Shifaaoon la yughaadiru saqamaa.

Oh Allah! remove the harm, O Lord of mankind!

Heal this ailment and You are the One Who heals.
There is no healing except Yours. 

Ask Allah forgiveness, blessing, what you want for your LIFE.
Allah (SWT) will write for you the decree from today until next year. 

"oh Allah accept all our ibadah our fasting, and forgive us in this Ramadan
Oh Allah please grant us many more Ramadan full of Your
Absolute Rahman and Magfirah"

Oh Allah , You are All-forgiving and
You love forgiveness so forgive me!

Oh Allah, purify my soul
Help me to remember You,
Save me from the shaitan (evil)
And grant me success in this world, and also in the hereafter.


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