Saturday, June 13, 2015

Conquest Of Makkah

Part 1

In the same year Quraish broke the truce of Hudaibiyah. Bani Bakar alliance of Quraish attacking a tribe of Bani K'haza-'ah that was in alliance with the Prophet (PBUH) and massacred them even in the sanctuary at Makkah with the help of Quraish.

Bani Khaza-ah sought protection from the Prophet (PBUH) according to the terms of the Truce of Hudaibiyah. Shocked by the news, he offered one of the tree choices to the Quraish:
  1. To compensate, in money, the loss of Khaza-'ah life;
  2. Give up assistance to Bani Bakar; and
  3. The Truce of Hudaibiyah be declared as null and void.
The Quraish prefer the last course but soon realized their blunder. So they sent Abu Sufyan to Madinah to ask for the existing treaty to be renewed and its term prolonged.  Despite his best efforts, Abu Sufyan was not able to revive the truce.

Then the Prophet (PBUH) summoned all the Muslims capable of bearing arms. On the tenth of Ramadan 8 A.H. He marched to Makkah at the head of an army of ten thousand. He encamped a few miles from Makkah.

Quraish was overwhelmed.  Their cavalry put up a show defense before the town.  By chance, Abu Sufyan and two other leaders discovered the Muslim camp.  The Prophet's uncle 'Abbas, feeling pity on the Quraish, thought of advising them to seek peace before the onslaught started.  On his way to Makkah he met Abu Sufyan and disclosed to him the Muslims' might and intention in marching to the City and reminded him his own suggestion.  The scared Abu Sufyan agreed to the suggestion of Abbas.

So 'Abbas took Abu Sufyan to the Prophet. When the Muslims saw him, they rushed to attack him, but the Prophet protected him and declared:
  1. Whoever takes shelter in the house of Abu Sufyan will not be questioned, and
  2. Whoever shuts the door, shall be secure.
'Abbas was asked to take Abu Sufyan to the top of the hill to let him assess the Muslims' might.

Continue Part 2

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