Wednesday, July 15, 2015

28th Day Of Ramadan, 1436

Assalam walaikum to all my brothers and sisters in Islam, and to all readers, relatives, and the one I love most, this is your chance to learn Islam the month of Ramadan, the month of Mercy. Allah (SWT) touched my soul this month of Ramadan.

Today! maybe the Laylat-Al-Qadr, or on twenty nine Days of Ramadan,we don't know exactly, only Allah's know best. I'm sharing this to you, and for those who believe,
That Laylat Al-Qadr is any of these days! Allah (SWT) will write the decree what is going
To happen from this year till next year.

"oh Allah accept all our ibadah our fasting, and forgive us in this Ramadhan,
Oh Allah please grant us many more Ramadan full of Your
Absolute Rahman and Magfirah"

Alhamdulillah! Allah is Great, the Mighty, 
The Compeller, the King, the Provider, 
The Originator, the Faithful, the Majestic,
The Forgiver, All Knowing the Creator,  

Allah say:

"I am your Master and Sovereign, 
And that of the whole Universe; 
Therefore you should worship ME none else.
You are independent in MY Kingdom 
Nor the subject of anyone else, 
To whom you might owe obedient
Or worship. You are being sent to the Earth 
With Certain Powers for fixed term 
Of time for our test.
After that you will have to return to ME.

Then I will judge the deeds you did in 
The world and decide whether you 
Have come out successful or failed in the test.

Therefore whoever opposed to the DIVINE
GUIDANCE, will be wrong, you shall be

Thrown into the abyss of Hell".


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