Friday, July 4, 2014

7 Ramadan, 1435

Garden of Eden

On the day of judgement people of Qur'an will be brought in paradise, 
The angel will guide and honor them, they are the one 
Will do everything for every human being needs.
(without commanding anything the angels knows already what you need)

Subhahan Allah! I remember after my conversion to Islam, Allah (SWT) 
Shower me the blessing that I cannot imagine, I married my husband,
to be my protector, help me and supported me in learning Islam.
Alhamdullilah! I'm not that much knowledgeable in Islam.

During my studies in Islam, I compile all my notes, 
Now I'm trying to remember what I learned and share to you.
I hope and pray to Allah (SWT) you will be guided according
To your knowledge and faith, in Islam you are not oblige to be.
If Allah (SWT) guides, no one could mislead.
This is for your own soul.

Note: the picture above are collected from other Muslim file.
May Allah bless and reward them all. Ameen.

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