Thursday, January 30, 2014

Before the Mission of Islam

               "After the revelation started coming strongly, frequently and regularly."
Before his mission of Islam, Prophet (SAW) had so many gifts from Allah (SWT) as a preparation for the prophethood.
1. Allah (SWT) guided him and protected him from the corrupted life styles of his people.
   Ibn Katheer reported that before the mission of Islam, Prophet Mohammad (SAW) used
   to dislike the corrupted life style of his people and not take part in it.
   He used to go for seclusion in the cave of Mount Hira according to the traditional old
   practices the Arabs inherited from the religion of their father Abraham.
   In his retreat in the cave of Mount Hira he used to worship Allah (SWT) alone and
   contemplate His creation and signs in the universe. 

2. The clouds that used to shade him in hot days.

3. The righteous visions which would always come true.

4. The greeting of trees and stones:

Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said: Before the mission he would pass by no stone or tree but he would hear them saying:

Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said: "I verily know a stone in Mecca which used to salute me saying "Peace be on you O Messenger of Allah" before the mission; I verily know it now."

5. Seeing angel Gabriel in his sleep

Shortly before the beginning of the Divine Inspiration Prophet Mohammad (SAW) saw in his sleep angel Gabriel giving him a book rapped in a piece of silk." And then his vision came true afterward.

Shortly after the mission of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) the heavens were heavily guarded with stern guards and flaming fires in order to make them inaccessible to evil (Jinn) as an extra precaution measure to keep Islam, the last message and religion of unity, clear from all mysteries, and falsehoods

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