12 Ramadan, 1434

As a Muslim we should devote our self to Allah (SWT) alone,
This month of Ramadan is the month of Mercy, whatever we
Ask Allah or invoke to Him, He will listen, and with His mercy
He will bless those who ask the blessing and the guidance.
He alone is worthy to be worship, and seeking for our help.
As Allah says:
"And your ILAH (GOD) is ONE ILAH (ALLAH)
La ilaha illa Huwa (there is none who has the right to be
Worshiped but He), the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
[Surah Al Baqarah, 2:163]
DUA (Supplication to Allah SWT)
I have set my face towards the originator of the heaven and
The earth sincerely (in Islam) and I am not among the mushier.
Indeed my prayer, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying
Are for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds! No partner has He.
Indeed I am Muslim (those who submit to Him).
Oh Allah! You are the King, none has the right
To be worshiped but You. You are the most perfect
And all Praise is for You, You are my Lord and
I am your slave, I have wronged myself, and
I have acknowledge my sins, so forgive all my sins
For no one forgives sins except You.
Oh Allah! Guide me to the best of character
To which no one can guide except You, and
Save me from the worst of characters,
From which no one can save except You.
I am here and happy to serve You.
All good is in your hands, and evil is not from You.
[The guided one is he who is guided by You.]
You are blessed and exalted I seek Your forgiveness
And repent unto You.
Note: the picture above are collected from other Muslim file.
May Allah bless and reward them all. Ameen.12r/s=vac
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