29 Shaban, 1434
Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslim around the world, Insha Allah!
Allah (SWT) will bless to all of us with Peace, Happiness,
and more blessing, Insha Allah.
The Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said:
" There are two occasions of joy for one who fasts:
One when he/she breaks the fast and the
other when he/she will meet his/her Lord"
[ Sahih - Muslim]
Let's everyone appreciate this chance given to us by our Almighty
ALLAH (SWT) to opened our heart, and ask forgiveness and be
thankful for this month is the month of mercy, may Allah (SWT)
accept our intention and prayer (Du'a), Insha Allah.
The Prophet Mohammad said:
Du'a is not rejected between the adhaaan and iqaamah, so make du'a.
[ At-Tirmidhi and others]
As Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said:
"When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of Heaven
are opened and the gates of hell are closed and the devil
are chained."
(Al - Bukhari)
Ya Allah! Give me the strength
To worship and obey You
To Love You and Fear You
To follow our Prophet and His Sunnah
To have Sabr and Love all Muslims
To hold my tongue and have Hayah
To read Qur'an and not to forget it
To listen to You and proudly wear Hijab (InshaAllah)
To spread the Deen and help others
To appreciate my spouse and never commit Zinah
And strive for Jannah and live only to please You! Ameen.
Note: the picture above are collected from other Muslim file.
May Allah bless and reward them all. Ameen.
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